April 1997

I’m used to fan mail in most shapes and forms, from eye-catching postcards to formal business letters, and hand colored envelopes to pencil scratches on three ring notebook paper. But just when I thought it was safe to wade through the mail room, here comes the net!

ABC has established a General Hospital site on America On Line. Occasionally, the producers ask us to go online and chat with the fans. It’s such a blast that I sneaked back on my own later.

Anyone can chat about characters, love triangles, plots, and storylines, but first you need to know some cyber-speak:

G- I’m teasing or halfway joking.
LOL- Laugh Out Loud
ITA- I Totally Agree
ROTFL- Rolling on the floor laughing

Some people consider themselves guardian angels of a character or actor. They think it’s their duty (LOL) to protect them, like:

“I hope they pair Katherine and Stefan, but not in a “Patch and Kayla re-run”

“What Kind of deliciously nightmarish pairing would Stefan and Katherine make?”

“They were together in another life as Patch and Kayla, let’s reunite them. Their evil characters are sure to join forces on GH”

“Mary Beth and Stephen were incredible together. After one scene it was apparent they still have that awesome connection.”

“Kat and Stefan are going to be much different from Patch and Kayla. Their first meeting was barely a hint of what’s to come.”

“A good storyline might be an affair between Edward Quartermaine and Kath.”

One cyber fan, a college student, tells me: “I like hearing what other people say about the show and I like speaking my mind. After the prime-time GH special when Stefan and Katherine first locked eyes, I couldn’t wait to get on line to chat!”

Another cyber-fan, a female teacher tells me: “Most people think a person who watches daytime is not intellectual. Wrong! I’ve met many professionals, doctors, lawyers and teachers who simply share a hobby.”

The downside is nasty items. I get quite upset when I get negative fan mail. I really don’t like people talking about me- maybe I’m in the wrong business (LOL)? Just a line can ruin my day:

“I just saw the book ‘100 Uses for A Dead Kat!’ Katherine should donate her body to med school, or be a new bench for the Outback, or be an extra on Days, or how about a flotation device for the Quartermaine pool?”

“Mary Beth talks like she has cotton wool in her mouth. I want Felicia and Mac reunited and Katherine burned at the stake!”

I don’t think they’re “G”. And I’m not ROTFL. Maybe I should log off permanently!


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